Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Nonverbal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nonverbal - Essay Example ited to personal space or proxemics, facial expressions or kinesics and a more commonly noticed modern issue known as aesthetics or ones external beauty. The nonverbal rule I have chosen includes not one but two, utilizing aesthetics and proxemics to view reactions and changes in interactions. In the experiment I undertook I chose to dress as a person from the street and sat next to a person we can call Mary at a bus stop. It became readily apparent that my being here was a distraction and she soon took her phone out and began having a whispered conversation with another unknown individual. While her tone was pleasant her body synchrony showed extreme anxiety that increased with small looks in my direction as she inched a little bit at a time down the bench to avoid me. As the minutes dragged on I stood up and moved closer to her side and then sat down again, her reaction was immediate and she stood up and walked around behind the bus stop to the opposite side. I attempted to speak with her and introduce myself, while explaining my actions she was not unfortunately entirely willing to converse as a result I decided to approach another individual. My next unfortunate subject we can call Tom, entered the bus stop directly following the exit of Mary and immediately sat down on the opposite side of the bench. His actions clearly showed his lack of desire for any interaction, his arms were crossed, and he placed headphones over his ears and lowered his eyes to look in front of him. I decided to sit down in front of him within a meter or so. His reaction was immediately apparent and he moved quickly and openly to the opposite side of the bench. I then shuffled slowly to the bench and sat down directly in the middle of it my location was less than an arm’s length from Tom. I began playing with the crumpled newspapers I had and kicking noisily at various pebbles and items on the ground in front of us. He quickly decided that this was not to his liking and asked me

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Cloud Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cloud Development - Essay Example As the temperature decreases the molecules lose some of their energy, and compress onto particles in the atmosphere, shaping clouds. Water molecules are stored in the atmosphere in all three states of matter. Water vapor in the atmosphere is commonly referred to as humidity. If liquid and solid forms of water can overcome atmospheric updrafts they can fall to the Earth's surface as precipitation. The formation of ice crystals and water droplets occurs when the atmosphere is cooled to a temperature that causes condensation or deposition. Four processes that can trigger such atmospheric cooling are oro-graphic uplift; convectional uplift; air mass convergence; and energy loss. [01] Precipitation can be defined as any aqueous deposit, in liquid or solid form, that develops in a saturated atmospheric environment and generally falls from clouds. A number of different precipitation types have been classified by meteorologists including rain, freezing rain, snow, ice pellets, snow pellets, and hail. Fog represents the saturation of air near the ground surface. Classification of fog types is accomplished by the identific ation of the mechanism that caused the air to become saturated. [01] The distribution of precipitation on the Earth's surface is generally controlled by the absence or presence of mechanisms that lift air masses to cause saturation. It is also controlled by the amount of water vapor held in the air, which is a function of air temperature. A figure is presented that illustrates global precipitation patterns. Clouds and Their Formation: A cloud can be defined as a visible mass of condensed droplets, frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth. More importantly, these clouds can also occur as masses of material in interstellar space, where they are called interstellar clouds and nebulae. [02] On Earth the condensing substance is typically water vapor, which forms small droplets or ice crystals, typically 0.01 mm in diameter. [02] When surrounded by billions of other droplets or crystals they become visible as clouds. Dense deep clouds exhibit a high reflectance (70% to 95%) throughout the visible range of wavelengths: they thus appear white, at least from the top. Cloud droplets tend to scatter light efficiently, so that the intensity of the solar radiation decreases with depth into the cloud, hence the gray or even sometimes dark appearance of the clouds at their base. [02] Thin clouds may appear to have acquired the color of their environment or background, and clouds illuminated by n on-white light, such as during sunrise or sunset, may be colored accordingly. In the near-infrared range, clouds would appear darker because the water that constitutes the cloud droplets strongly absorbs solar radiation at those wavelengths. [02] Types of Clouds: Although there are many types of clouds with respect to their different characteristics, clouds are mainly divided into three major classifications. These are as under, Cirrus Clouds: The name originates from the Latin word meaning "curl of hair". These feathery clouds form very high up in the sky (at altitudes between 5 km and 14 km) where it is very cold. [03] They are therefore made up of tiny ice crystals rather than water droplets. Cirrus clouds occur in warm air which is being slowly lifted over a large area by an approaching cold front, and they